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Mesopotamia means land between rivers in greek and it is located between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
Mesopotamian civilization was the first to use writing around the 3000 BC.
It was an open land that permitted continuous invasions and was formed by several countries. Mesopotamia was divided in several regions :

  1. Lower Mesopotamia called Sumer or Chaldea. Civilization was born in this region. There were many city-states as Ur, Uruk , Lagash.
  2. Middle Mesopotamia called Akkad
  3. Upper Mesopotamia called Assyria.

Wikipedia (Dominio público)


Masopotamia was very dry  however agriculture was possible thanks to a large system of canals .
Furthermore it was located in a strategic area among the Mediterranean sea, the Eastern lands and Asia minor

Invention of writing

The most important event of Mesopotamian civilization was the invention of writing . This invention was very important in order to create political structures .

Sumerian people created the cuneiform writing . It is consisted of signs drown on clay tablets . It is called cuneiform because the patterns look as if they were made by a wedge ( the latin word is cuneus)
Writing made possible:

  1. Organizing the political system and writing laws.
  2. Counting the resources of the economy and creating taxes for the citizens
  3. Writing stories . This was the origin of the written literature.