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The Byzantine Empire

The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD left Byzantium as the heir to the ancient Roman Empire for almost one thousand years.
The Byzantium empire withstood the Germanic invasions and developed a brilliant civilization until its fall in 1453 when the Ottomans conquered its capital Constantinople .

Roamn Empire partition
Partition of the Roman Empire Partition of the Roman Empire (CC0)

During the 6th century the Byzantine Empire achieved its maximal extension . Its more powerful emperor, Justinian, conquered Italy, the Southeast of Spain controlled by Visigoths and northern Africa . Byzantium dominated the Mediterranean Sea like the former Roman Empire.
However the pressure of Lombards in Italy, Visigoths in Spain and Muslims in Asia reduced the Byzantium Empire to the Anatolian peninsula.
One example of the importance , power and wealth of Byzantium was its art specially the awesome church of Hagia Sophia.
During its history there were important changes into the Empire:
Greek replaced Latin as the official language
Byzantine church broke with Rome ( Catholic Church ) and create Orthodox Church which expanded by the East of Europe.


Pregunta 1

Justinian created Constantinople

Pregunta 2

Ottomans conquered Constantinople in 476 AD.

Pregunta 3

Justinian conquered all the Iberian peninsula.

Pregunta 4

Latin was replaced by  Greek as official language of the Byzantine Empire.

Pregunta 5

Relationship between Rome and Constantinople was very good.

Pregunta 6

Byzantine Empire Church was the Orthodox Church.

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When the  Roman empire collapsed and the half was conquered by barbarian tribes , the  Roman Empire continued in the . This was called . There were many emperors in Byzantium. One of the most famous was .

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Justinian had a passion for the arts and for . Under his reign arts such as poetry and flourished. He had a strong belief in and wrote to protect the church and to suppress paganism. He also was a prolific builder. He had churches, dams, bridges, and built throughout the empire.

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