Sábado, Julio 27, 2024
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Unit 4 learning outcomes

Analysis of a climate graph. Upernivik exemple

Analyis of Upernivik climate graph 




  1. Temperatures. 
    1. The hottest months are June , July ( 5 ºC)  and August ( 5 ºC) and the coldest ones are January ( 21,5 º C) , February ( 23ºC) and March.
    2. The average temperature is - 8,5 ºC
    3. The temperature range is 28 º C
  1. Precipitations
    1. They are little  ( less than 250 mm per year ) and are concentrated in summer and  autumn ( rainy season from August to November)
    2. The total amount of precipitation is 234 mm .


  1. Relationship between temperatures and precipitations.
    1. There is no dry season  because most of the  months are under 0 ºC 
  1. Type of climate
    1. This is a polar climate, a tundra climate  It is very cold  ( under 0ºC) most of the year and has a short summer and precipitations  are very little
  1. Conclusion
    1. There are a tundra vegetation  ( grass and little scrubs ) and fauna is adapted to cold ( reindeer, caribous, wolves, foxes...)

Analysis of a climate graph. Sonnblick exemple

Analysis of Sonnblick climate graph




  1. Temperatures. 


    1. The hottest months are , July ( 1 ºC)  and August ( 1 ºC) and the coldest ones are January ( 13 º C) , February ( 13ºC) and March ( 11,5ºC).
    2. The average temperature is - 6 ºC
    3. The temperature range is 14 º C
  1. Precipitations
    1. They are abundant  and  regular. They are concentrated in spring and  summer ( specially in April and May))
    2. The total amount of precipitation is 1483 mm .


  1. Relationship between temperatures and precipitations.
    1. There is no dry season , precipitations are abundant all the year.
    2. Type of climate

This is a alpine or high mountain climate.  It is very cold  ( under 0ºC) most of the year and has a very short summer ( July and August ). Precipitations  are abundant mostly in form of snow

  1. Conclusion
    1. There are a little vegetation  ( low grass ) and fauna is adapted to cold and altitude.

Analysis of a climate graph. Eismitte exemple

Analysis of a polar climate.
Polar EF
  1. Temperatures. 
    1. The hottest months are June , July and August and the coldest ones are January, February  and November.
    2. The average temperature is -31 ºC
    3. The temperature range is 35 º C
  1. Precipitations
    1. They are very little and are concentrated in autumn ( rainy season)
    2. The total amount of precipitation is 104 mm .


  1. Relationship between temperatures and precipitations.
    1. There is no dry season  because all month are under 0 ºC 
  1. Type of climate
    1. This is a polar climate, a perpetual ice climate  It is very cold  ( uner 0ºC)all year round and has very little precipitations
  1. Conclusion
    1. There are no vegetation and fauna is adapted to ice ( polar bears, whales, seals and penguins