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Stages of the History

  There are five big stages of the History:

Prehistory It lasts from the first hominids to invention of writing (3000 year BC)
Ancient Age. It is from the invention of writing (3000 years BC) to the falling of Roman Empire (476 AC)
Middle Age . It is from the falling of the Roman Empire ( 476) to the discovery of America ( 1492)
Modern Age . It is from the discovery of America  (1492) to the French Revolution (1789)
Contemporary Age . It is from French Revolution  (1789 ) to our days.

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Lea el párrafo que aparece abajo y complete las palabras que faltan.

Ancient Age starts when sumerian invented the .

Moder Age finishes with the Revolution in .

Middle Age starts in AC with the falling of Empire.

Contemporary Age starts in .

Modern Age starts in 1492 with the discovery of America.

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